Monday, November 30, 2009


What is megagreen
Is a world inovation in agriculture and ecological production healty food.It is natural mineral ecological ingrdiant for grow and yield imporovement on plants culture,and their own procetion.Megagreen is made from natural mineral calcit.

Where megagreeen is applicable??
Megagreen can be applicable in all sorts of plants:
-Cereal and industrial culture(wheat,maize,sunflower,barley,rice.soya etc.)
Fruit(apple strawberry,pear,olivie,water melon,greap etc).
Vegetable ( tomato,cucamber,carrot,onion,salat,garbie etc).
Flower decorative plants grass amn forest surfaces.

Efect of Megagreen
1.Increse plant reistance;
2.Increse yield(by rapid apsorption on mutrition)materias;
3.Shortene product period and continue plant vegetation period;
4.Increse plant resistance for onsect and ilnesess;
5.In dry area it readuse plants need for water to 70% ;
6.Continue time for sorage on the product.

How to use Megagreen??
It's used like 0,3%-0,5% coloide solution
-3g/l water (0,3%) for green garden of if plantsin closed space like room;
-5g/l water (0,5%0 for external surfaces;
- 1kg/200 l water or 2-2,5 kg/ha dependly from used cultivated culture.

Before use mixter have to be well mixed and it's useinlike spry like very small drops solution through green parts from the plants.It is recomended use in on the solution on every 10 -15 days for the time of vegetation period especialy in unconveniate conditions or ilnesses on evry 7-8 days in the morning and evening.